module.exports = (env, callback) -> ### Paginator plugin. Defaults can be overridden in config.json e.g. "paginator": {"perPage": 10} ### defaults = template: 'index.jade' # template that renders pages articles: 'articles' # directory containing contents to paginate first: 'index.html' # filename/url for first page filename: 'page/%d/index.html' # filename for rest of pages perPage: 2 # number of articles per page groupSort: {} # assign defaults any option not set in the config file options = env.config.paginator or {} for key, value of defaults options[key] ?= defaults[key] getArticles = (contents) -> # helper that returns a list of articles found in *contents* # note that each article is assumed to have its own directory in the articles directory articles = contents[options.articles] (item) -> item.index # skip articles that does not have a template associated articles = articles.filter (item) -> item.template isnt 'none' # sort article by date articles.sort (a, b) -> b.metadata.sort - a.metadata.sort groupedArticlesObj = articles.reduce (acc, curr) -> groupName = if not acc[groupName] acc[groupName] = groupName: groupName items: [] acc[groupName].items.push curr return acc , {} groupedArticles = (val for key, val of groupedArticlesObj) groupedArticles.sort (a, b) -> (options.groupSort[b.groupName] || 0) - (options.groupSort[a.groupName] || 0) return groupedArticles # add the article helper to the environment so we can use it later env.helpers.getGroupedArticles = getArticles # tell the plugin manager we are done callback()