import {takeScreenshot} from '../helpers/take_screenshot'; import {TaskListPage} from './task-list.po'; import { browser } from 'protractor'; describe('TaskList', function () { let page: TaskListPage; beforeEach(() => { page = new TaskListPage(); page.navigateTo(); }); xit('should allow to create new tasks (forgot to press save)', () => { const editPage = page.gotoNewTaskView(); editPage.fillForm('New Task', 'BACKLOG'); //; expect(page.checkTaskDisplayed('New Task')).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should allow searching for tasks', () => { page.searchForTasks('Ersten'); expect(page.getTaskCount()).toEqual(1); }); it('should work with no search results', () => { page.searchForTasks('Ich existiere nicht.'); expect(page.getTaskCount()).toEqual(0); }); it('should allow to create new tasks', () => { const taskTitle = `New Task ${new Date().getTime()}`; const editPage = page.gotoNewTaskView(); editPage.fillForm(taskTitle, 'IN_PROGRESS');; takeScreenshot('createTaskFailure.png'); page.checkTaskDisplayed(taskTitle); }); it('should add new tasks to the displayed list', () => { page.getTaskCount().then(count => { const editPage = page.gotoNewTaskView(); editPage.fillForm('New Task', 'IN_PROGRESS');; expect(page.getTaskCount()).toEqual(count + 1); }); }); });