/** This module defines a express.Router() instance * - supporting filter=key1,key2 * - it sets res.locals.filter to a string "key1 key2" * - calls next with error if a filter=key is given, but key does not exist (not raised on empty item arrays!) * * Note: it expects to be called before any data is fetched from DB * Note: it sets an Error-Object to next with error.status set to HTTP status code 400 * * @author Johannes Konert * @licence CC BY-SA 4.0 * * @module restapi/filter-middleware-mongo * @type {Factory function returning an Router} * @param Schema {Object} a MongooseSchema.path value or similar object with attributes representing the valid keys * @param suppressId {Boolean} if true, the _id is not returned implicitly */ // remember: in modules you have 3 variables given by CommonJS // 1.) require() function // 2.) module.exports // 3.) exports (which is module.exports) 'use strict'; const express = require('express'); const logger = require('debug')('middleware:filterware'); /** * private helper function to filter Objects by given keys * @param keys {Array} the keys from GET parameter filter * @param schema [Object} containing the keys as attributes that are allowed * @returns {Object or Error} either the filtered items or an Error object */ const limitFilterToSchema = (keys, schema) => { if (!keys || !schema) { // empty arrays evaluate to false return undefined; // means no filter at all } let error = null; const result = []; // now for each given filter=key1,key2in the array check that the schema allows this key and store it in result keys.forEach((key) => { if (schema.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(key); } else { error = new Error('given key for filter does not exist in ressource: ' + key); } }); return error ? error : result; }; /** * closure function as factory returning the router * * @param Schema {Object} a MongooseSchema.path value or similar object with attributes representing the valid keys * @param suppressId {Boolean} if true, the _id is not returned implicitly * @returns {Router} */ const createFilterRouter = (schema, supressID) => { const router = express.Router(); // the exported router with handler router.use((req, res, next) => { const filterString = req.query.filter; let filterKeys = []; let err = null; if (filterString !== undefined) { filterKeys = filterString.split(','); filterKeys.forEach((item, index, array) => { array[index] = item.trim(); }); filterKeys = filterKeys.filter((item) => { return item.length > 0; }); if (filterKeys.length === 0) { err = new Error('given filter does not contain any keys'); err.status = 400; } else { const result = limitFilterToSchema(filterKeys, schema); if (result instanceof Error) { err = result; err.status = 400; } else { res.locals.filter = result.join(' '); // create a string with space as seperator if (supressID) { res.locals.filter = '-_id ' + res.locals.filter; } } } } if (err) { logger(err); next(err); } else { if (res.locals.filter) { logger('Successfully set filter to ' + res.locals.filter); } next(); } }); return router; }; module.exports = createFilterRouter;