'use strict'; // modules const express = require('express'); // HTTP status codes by name const codes = require('./http-codes'); const apiAuthenticationMiddleware = require('../middleware/auth-middleware'); const checkMT = require('../middleware/permission-check').checkMT; const routerHandling = require('../middleware/router-handling'); const idValidator = require('../middleware/validators').idValidator; // Mongoose Model using mongoDB const CampaignModel = require('../models/campaign'); const WarModel = require('../models/war'); // util const genericGetById = require('./_generic').genericGetById; const genericPatch = require('./_generic').genericPatch; const campaigns = new express.Router(); // routes ********************** campaigns.route('/') .post(apiAuthenticationMiddleware, checkMT, (req, res, next) => { const campaign = new CampaignModel(req.body); // timestamp and default are set automatically by Mongoose Schema Validation campaign.save((err) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.wrongrequest; err.message += ' in fields: ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(err.errors); return next(err); } res.status(codes.created); res.locals.items = campaign; next(); }); }) .all( routerHandling.httpMethodNotAllowed ); campaigns.route('/:id') .get(idValidator, (req, res, next) => { return genericGetById(req, res, next, CampaignModel); }) .patch(apiAuthenticationMiddleware, checkMT, (req, res, next) => { return genericPatch(req, res, next, CampaignModel); }) .delete((req, res, next) => { CampaignModel.findByIdAndRemove(req.params.id, (err, item) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.wrongrequest; return next(err); } else if (!item) { err = new Error('item not found'); err.status = codes.notfound; return next(err); } WarModel.find({campaign: req.params.id}).remove().exec(); // TODO: remove all the war logs from fs here!!! res.locals.processed = true; next(); }); }) .all( routerHandling.httpMethodNotAllowed ); // this middleware function can be used, if you like or remove it // it looks for object(s) in res.locals.items and if they exist, they are send to the client as json campaigns.use(routerHandling.emptyResponse); module.exports = campaigns;