import {Component, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {Award, Decoration, User} from '../../models/model-interfaces'; import {NgForm} from '@angular/forms'; import {AwardingService} from '../../services/army-management/awarding.service'; import {DecorationService} from '../../services/army-management/decoration.service'; import {UserService} from '../../services/army-management/user.service'; import {LoginService} from '../../services/app-user-service/login-service'; import {SnackBarService} from '../../services/user-interface/snack-bar/snack-bar.service'; import {Message} from '../../i18n/de.messages'; @Component({ templateUrl: './req-award.component.html', styleUrls: ['./req-award.component.css', '../../style/overview.css'], }) export class RequestAwardComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild(NgForm) form: NgForm; showForm = false; user: User = {_id: '0'}; decoration: Decoration = {_id: '0'}; reason = ''; decorations: Decoration[]; awards: Award[]; users: User[]; decoPreviewDisplay = 'none'; constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private userService: UserService, private awardingService: AwardingService, private decorationService: DecorationService, private loginService: LoginService, private snackBarService: SnackBarService) { } ngOnInit() { const currentUser = this.loginService.getCurrentUser(); this.userService.findUsers('', undefined, currentUser.squad._id).subscribe(users => { this.users = users; }); this.decorationService.findDecorations('', currentUser.squad.fraction).subscribe(decorations => { this.decorations = decorations; }); } toggleUser() { if (this.user._id !== '0') { this.awardingService.getUserAwardings(this.user._id).subscribe(awards => { this.awards = awards; }); this.showForm = true; } else { this.showForm = false; } } toggleDecoPreview(descriptionField, image) { if (this.decoration._id !== '0') { this.decoPreviewDisplay = 'flex'; // visible & keep same height for all children const description = this.decorations.find( decoration => decoration._id === this.decoration._id ).description; image.src = 'resource/decoration/' + this.decoration._id + '.png'; descriptionField.innerHTML = description; } else { this.decoPreviewDisplay = 'none'; } } addAwarding(previewImage, descriptionField) { if (this.decoration._id && this.reason.length > 0) { const award: Award = { 'userId': this.user._id, 'decorationId': this.decoration._id, 'reason': this.reason, 'date': }; this.awardingService.requestAwarding(award).subscribe(() => { this.awardingService.getUserAwardings(this.user._id) .subscribe(awards => { this.awards = awards; this.decoration = {_id: '0'}; this.reason = previewImage.src = descriptionField.innerHTML = ''; this.decoPreviewDisplay = 'none'; this.snackBarService.showSuccess(Message.SUCCESS_SAVE); }); }); } } cancel() { this.router.navigate(['..'], {relativeTo: this.route}); return false; } /** * compare ngValue with ngModel to assign selected element */ equals(o1, o2) { if (o1 && o2) { return o1._id === o2._id; } } }