### List Users [GET /users{?q,fractFilter,squadId,decorationId,limit,offset}] Get single army member information + Parameters + q: `hardi` (string, optional) - filter string which filters for partial username + fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional) - Field to filter by fraction + Members + `BLUFOR` + `OPFOR` + `GLOBAL` + squadId: `5aba54eaeadcce6332c6a774` (string, optional) - Field to filter by membership of certain squad + decorationId: `5abd3dff6e6a0334d95b8ba0` (string, optional) - Field to filter by ownership of certain decoration + limit: 20 (number, optional) - Maximum number of users to return + Default: Infinity + offset: 0 (number, optional) - Offset into result-set (useful for pagination) + Default: 0 + Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8) + Headers X-Total-Count: 1 + Attributes (array[UserPopulated], fixed-type) ### Get User [GET /users/{id}] Get single army member information + Parameters + id: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of army-member + Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8) + Attributes (UserPopulated, fixed-type) ### Create User [POST /users] Create a new army member **Permission: 2** + Request (application/json) + Attributes + username: `[GNC]Paolo` (string, required) - display name of the user + Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8) + Attributes (UserInclTimestamp, fixed-type) ### Update User [PUT /users/{id}] Update an army member, identified by its id **Permission: 2** + Parameters + id: `5abd4780396bc0487068be0e` (string, required) - unique id of army-member + Request (application/json) + Attributes + _id: `5abd4780396bc0487068be0e` (string, required) - unique id of army-member + username: `Paolo` (string, optional) - display name of the user + rankLvl: 22 (number, optional) - rank level representing the rank + squadId: `591470249e9fae286e008e31` (string, optional) - squadId of squad which army member is part of + Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8) + Attributes (User, fixed-type) ### Delete User [DELETE /users/{id}] Delete an army member **Permission: 2** + Parameters + id: `5abd4780396bc0487068be0e` (string, required) - unique id of army-member + Response 204