# Operation Pandora Trigger Commandcenter A [MEAN Application](http://mean.io/) created for [operation-pandora.com](https://www.operation-pandora.com) Arma3 Community ## Installation All steps described here are working with a Debian based Linux system ### Setup required 3rd Party Software #### Setup for development Run the installation script located in the docs folder: ./docs/opt-cc-environment/3rd-party-install It installs NPM, Node and MongoDB on latest versions. In addition, it sets up the mongo deamon to start up automatically with the system. #### Setup for production **NOTE:** It his highly recommended not to run the following steps as _root_ user! Before triggering the environment execution run npm install inside the main folder, to process all needed npm package installations for the program execution. For production setup run the script, described in _Setup for development_, adding the parameter `prod` ./docs/opt-cc-environment/3rd-party-install prod This adds the [`pm2` process manager](http://pm2.keymetrics.io/) to be installed and start the _opt-cc_ server as `pm2` process. Run the `sudo` command printed as last output to configure the `pm2` process for automatic start on the system, as the current user. ## Development **NOTE:** Do not use the execution described here in any production environment! It will make the running application highly vulnerable. Before triggering the environment execution run npm install inside the main folder, to process all needed npm package installations for the program execution. To compile the Angular code and afterwards start the Express server with `nodemon` for development purpose run npm run dev Any changes on `api` code will trigger an automatic restart of the Express server. Changes on `static` code can be submitted with npm run deploy-static The page must be reloaded after this build step is finished, in order to make changes visible. ## License Information ### Express API (`/api`) published under [CC BY-SA 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.txt) \ Main concept for API Server, pagination and MongoDB usage by [Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Konert](https://prof.beuth-hochschule.de/konert/) \ All endpoints, signature image builder and Arma3 RPT-Log parsing by [Florian Hartwich](https://de.linkedin.com/in/florian-hartwich-b67b02125) ### Angular 5 Frontend (`/static`) published under [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)