"use strict"; // modules const express = require('express'); const fs = require('fs'); const logger = require('debug')('me2u5:users'); // HTTP status codes by name const codes = require('./http-codes'); const apiAuthenticationMiddleware = require('../middleware/auth-middleware'); const sortCollectionBy = require('../middleware/util').sortCollection; const routerHandling = require('../middleware/router-handling'); // Mongoose Model using mongoDB const UserModel = require('../models/user'); const RankModel = require('../models/rank'); const AwardingModel = require('../models/awarding'); const resultSet = {'__v': 0, 'updatedAt': 0, 'timestamp': 0}; const users = express.Router(); // routes ********************** users.route('/') .get((req, res, next) => { if (req.query.simple) { UserModel.find({}, res.locals.filter, res.locals.limitskip, (err, items) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.servererror; return next(err); } // if the collection is empty we do not send empty arrays back. res.locals.items = items; res.locals.processed = true; next(); }) } else { const nameQuery = req.query.q; const fractionFilter = req.query.fractFilter; UserModel.find({}, res.locals.filter, res.locals.limitskip, (err, users) => { if (err) return next(err); if (users.length === 0) { res.locals.items = users; res.locals.processed = true; next(); } let resUsers = []; let rowsLength = users.length; users.forEach((user) => { // filter by name if (!nameQuery || (nameQuery && user.username.toLowerCase().includes(nameQuery.toLowerCase()))) { getExtendedUser(user, next, (extUser) => { // filter by fraction if (!fractionFilter || (fractionFilter && extUser.squad && extUser.squad.fraction.toLowerCase() === fractionFilter)) { resUsers.push(extUser); } else { rowsLength -= 1; } if (resUsers.length === rowsLength) { resUsers = sortCollectionBy(resUsers, 'username'); res.locals.items = resUsers; res.locals.processed = true; return next(); } }); } else { rowsLength -= 1; // no user matching query - return empty [] if (rowsLength === 0) { res.locals.items = resUsers; res.locals.processed = true; next(); } } }) }) } }) .post(apiAuthenticationMiddleware, (req, res, next) => { const user = new UserModel(req.body); // timestamp and default are set automatically by Mongoose Schema Validation user.save((err) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.wrongrequest; return next(err); } res.status(codes.created); res.locals.items = user; next(); }); }) .all(routerHandling.httpMethodNotAllowed); users.route('/:id') .get((req, res, next) => { UserModel.findById(req.params.id, (err, item) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.servererror; return next(err); } else if (!item) { err = new Error("item not found"); err.status = codes.notfound; return next(err); } else if (req.query.simple) { res.locals.items = item; next(); } getExtendedUser(item, next, (extUser) => { res.locals.items = extUser; res.locals.processed = true; return next(); }) }); }) .patch(apiAuthenticationMiddleware, (req, res, next) => { if (!req.body || (req.body._id && req.body._id !== req.params.id)) { // little bit different as in PUT. :id does not need to be in data, but if the _id and url id must match const err = new Error('id of PATCH resource and send JSON body are not equal ' + req.params.id + " " + req.body._id); err.status = codes.notfound; next(err); return; // prevent node to process this function further after next() has finished. } // optional task 3: increment version manually as we do not use .save(.) req.body.updatedAt = new Date(); req.body.$inc = {__v: 1}; // PATCH is easier with mongoose than PUT. You simply update by all data that comes from outside. no need to reset attributes that are missing. UserModel.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, req.body, {new: true}, (err, item) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.wrongrequest; } else if (!item) { err = new Error("item not found"); err.status = codes.notfound; } else if (req.query.simple) { res.locals.items = item; res.locals.processed = true; return next(); } else { UserModel.findById(item._id, (err, user) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.servererror; return next(err); } if (!user) { res.locals.items = {}; res.locals.processed = true; return next(); } getExtendedUser(user, next, (extUser) => { res.locals.items = extUser; res.locals.processed = true; return next(); }) }) } }) }) .delete(apiAuthenticationMiddleware, (req, res, next) => { UserModel.findByIdAndRemove(req.params.id, (err, item) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.wrongrequest; } else if (!item) { err = new Error("item not found"); err.status = codes.notfound; } // deleted all awardings linked to this user AwardingModel.find({userId: req.params.id}).remove().exec(); // check if signature exists and delete compressed and uncompressed file const fileMinified = __dirname + '/../resource/signature/' + req.params.id + '.png'; if (fs.existsSync(fileMinified)) { fs.unlink(fileMinified); } const file = __dirname + '/../resource/signature/big/' + req.params.id + '.png'; if (fs.existsSync(file)) { fs.unlink(file); } // we don't set res.locals.items and thus it will send a 204 (no content) at the end. see last handler user.use(..) res.locals.processed = true; next(err); // this works because err is in normal case undefined and that is the same as no parameter }); }) .all( routerHandling.httpMethodNotAllowed ); // this middleware function can be used, if you like or remove it // it looks for object(s) in res.locals.items and if they exist, they are send to the client as json users.use(routerHandling.emptyResponse); /** * Create model for single extended user and * return via callback */ let getExtendedUser = (user, next, callback) => { let extUser = {}; UserModel.findById(user._id, resultSet) .populate('squadId', resultSet).exec((err, member) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.servererror; return next(err); } extUser._id = user._id; extUser.username = user.username; extUser.squad = member.squadId; if (extUser.squad) { RankModel.findOne({ level: member.rankLvl, fraction: member.squadId.fraction }, resultSet, (err, rank) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.servererror; return next(err); } extUser.rank = rank; }).then(() => { addAwards(extUser).then(() => { callback(extUser); }) }) } else { extUser.rank = null; addAwards(extUser).then(() => { callback(extUser); }) } }) }; let addAwards = (extUser) => { return AwardingModel.find({userId: extUser._id}, resultSet, {sort: {date: 'desc'}}) .populate('decorationId', resultSet) .exec((err, awards) => { if (err) { err.status = codes.servererror; return next(err); } extUser.awards = awards; }) }; module.exports = users;