import {Component} from "@angular/core"; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from "@angular/router"; import {Decoration} from "../../models/model-interfaces"; import {DecorationService} from "../../services/decoration-service/decoration.service"; @Component({ templateUrl: './decoration-overview.component.html', styleUrls: ['./decoration-overview.component.css', '../../style/overview.css'], }) export class DecorationOverviewComponent { id: string; showSuccessLabel = false; showImageError = false; decoration: Decoration; fileList: FileList; previewImage; constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private decorationService: DecorationService) { } ngOnInit() { this.route.params.subscribe((params) => { this.decorationService.getDecoration(params['id']).subscribe(decoration => { this.decoration = decoration; this.previewImage = 'resource/decoration/' + this.decoration._id + '.png?' +; }) }) } // register file change and save to fileList fileChange(event) { if (![0].name.endsWith('.png')) { this.showImageError = true; this.fileList = undefined; } else { this.showImageError = false; this.fileList =; } } update(attrName, inputField) { const inputValue = inputField.value; if (inputValue.length > 0 && (this.decoration[attrName] !== inputValue || attrName === 'description')) { const updateObject = {_id: this.decoration._id}; updateObject[attrName] = inputValue; this.decorationService.submitDecoration(updateObject) .subscribe(decoration => { this.decoration = decoration; if (attrName != 'description') { inputField.value = ''; } this.showSuccessLabel = true; setTimeout(() => { this.showSuccessLabel = false; }, 2000) }) } } updateGraphic(fileInput) { if (this.fileList && this.fileList.length > 0) { let file: File = this.fileList[0]; this.decorationService.submitDecoration({_id: this.decoration._id}, file) .subscribe((res) => { setTimeout(() => { this.previewImage = 'resource/decoration/' + this.decoration._id + '.png?' +; }, 300); fileInput.value = ''; this.showSuccessLabel = true; setTimeout(() => { this.showSuccessLabel = false; }, 2000) }) } } deleteDecoration(confirm) { if (confirm.toLowerCase() === { this.decorationService.deleteDecoration(this.decoration) .subscribe((res) => { this.router.navigate(['../..'], {relativeTo: this.route}); }) } } }