
1455 lines
46 KiB

# Operation Pandora Trigger Command Center API Documentation
# Data Structures
# Proposer (object)
Representation of an app user who proposed an awarding or a promotion
## Properties
+ _id: `5abf5064861d950f157c4a09` (string, required) - unique id of the app user
+ username: `hardiready` (string, required) - username of the app user
+ squad: `591470249e9fae286e308e41` (string, required) - squad id associated with the app user
# AppUser (Proposer)
An app user instance with populated squad
## Properties
+ activated: true (boolean, required) - account activation status
+ password: `$1s23$1$H7dl7RTFZUBIBNUZ213IIOUasdNEI571sMuzXmzi4` (string, required) - password hash value
+ permission: 1 (number, required) - permission level
+ secret: `I like tacos` (string, required) - secret used for account activation comparison
+ squad (Squad, required, nullable) - squad the app user is responsible for
+ timestamp: `2017-08-02T07:48:56.378Z` (string, required) - creation timestamp
+ updatedAt: `2017-08-02T08:07:20.929Z` (string, required) - version timestamp
+ __v: 3 (number, required) - version number
# UpdateAppUser (Proposer)
An app user instance for PATCH updating
## Properties
+ activated: true (boolean, optional) - account activation status
+ password: `$1s23$1$H7dl7RTFZUBIBNUZ213IIOUasdNEI571sMuzXmzi4` (string, optional) - password hash value
+ permission: 1 (number, optional) - permission level
+ secret: `I like tacos` (string, optional) - secret used for account activation comparison
+ squad: `5abe166f8b7488392a623f12` (string, optional) - id of squad the app user is responsible for
# Fraction (object)
Single fraction object
## Properties
+ squads (array[ArmySquad], required) - Array containing all squads of the fraction, sorted by 'sortingNumber'
+ memberCount: 1 (number, required) - sum of fraction members in all squads
# ArmySquad (object)
A single squad as appearing in the army overview
## Properties
+ _id: `59146e6aef2ad810623ed519` (string, required) - the unique id of the squad
+ name: `Führungsstab` (string, required) - the squad display name
+ members (array[ArmyMember], required) - List of participants being member in this squad
+ memberCount: 1 (number, required) - Number of members the squad has
# ArmyMember (object)
Unique member in a army squad
## Properties
+ _id: `5918d2ca574b0b16820a0b28` (string, required) - unique id of the army member
+ username: `Jagernaut` (string, required) - display name of the army member
+ rank: `General` (string, required) - display name of the rank which is assigned to this army member
# Login (object)
User related entity for creating a token using application credentials
## Properties
+ username: `testuser` (string, required) - username of the app-user
+ password: `password` (string, required) - password of the app-user
# LoginResponse (object)
Response object on successful token creation
## Properties
+ _id: `593d632772d35225232bcabb` (string, required) - the unique id of the app-user
+ username: `kallek` (string, required) - the username of the app-user
+ permission: 3 (number, required)- the permission level of the app-user (0 - user, 1 - sql, 2 - hl, 3 - maintainer, 4 - admin)
+ squad (Squad, required) - squad the app-user is member of
+ token: `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI1OTNkNWUzZjcyZDM1MjI1MjIyYmNhYmEiLCJpYXQiOjE1MjEzOTQ5NDYsImV4cCI6MTUyMzgxNDE0Nn0.vOAwA5--qrx8BglhyGZWVYx7LeuRKOHH0NQXmHFNhIQ` (string,required) - generated access token
+ tokenExpireDate: `2018-04-15T17:42:25.050Z` (string,required) - expiration date of the token
# Registration (object)
User related entity for reflecting membership to another resource (groups, material databases)
## Properties
+ username: `kallek` (string, required) - the username of the app-user
+ password: `password` (string, required) - password of the app-user
+ secret: `random secret text` (string, required) - secret used for sign-up identification in connection with board usage
# Awarding (object)
Awarding associating a decoration to a user
## Properties
+ _id: `591ca81c1ee62711cfc19002` (string, required) - unique id of the awarding
+ confirmed: 1 (number, required) - status of the awarding request (0 - in progress, 1 - approved, 2 - rejected)
+ date: `2017-05-17T19:44:24.926Z` (string, required) - date when the awarding was requested
+ decorationId: `591c81981ee62711cfc18f4a` (string, required) - id of decoration that is given with the awarding
+ reason: `war dabei` (string, required) - reason for giving the awarding
+ proposer: 593d5e3f72d35225222bcaba (string, required) - id of app user who requested this awarding
+ timestamp: `2017-05-17T19:44:28.751Z` (string, required) - creation date
+ updatedAt: `"2017-05-17T19:44:28.751Z` (string, required) - version date
+ userId: `5918d2ca574b0b1d820a0b24` (string, required) - the unique id of the user who got this awarding
+ __v: 0 (number, required) - version number
# AwardingPopulated (Awarding)
Awarding with populated decoration, proposer and army-user
## Properties
+ proposer (Proposer, required) - app user who requested this awarding
+ decorationId (Decoration, required) - populated decoration object that is given with the awarding
+ userId (User, required) - populated user who gets this awarding
# Campaign (object)
Campaign entity
## Properties
+ _id:`5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, required) - unique id of the campaign
+ title: `Ein Kessel Buntes` (string, required) - display title of the campaign
+ timestamp: `2017-05-17T19:44:28.751Z` (string, required) - creation date
+ updatedAt: `"2017-05-17T19:44:28.751Z` (string, required) - version date
+ __v: 0 (number, required) - version number
#WarCampaign (object)
Cmpaign entity with attached War collection
## Properties
+ _id: `5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, required) - unique id of the campaign
+ title: `Ein Kessel Buntes` (string, required) - display title of the campaign
+ wars (array[WarWithPlayers], requied)
# Decoration (object)
A decoration representing a ribbon or medal
## Properties
+ _id: `591c81981ee62711cfc18f4a` (string, required) - unique id of the decoration
+ description: `Verliehen an alle Teilnehmer der ArmA3-Kampagne "Sturm über der Ägäis" im Jahr 2016` (string, required) - description expressing what the decoration should be given for
+ fraction: `GLOBAL` (string, required) - enum expressing the fraction in which the decoration is given
+ Members
+ isMedal: false (boolean, required) - show if decoration is medal or ribbon
+ name: `OPT4 pt.1 - "Sturm über der Ägäis"` (string, required) - display name of the decoration
+ sortingNumber: 10 (number, required) - sorting number for lists
+ timestamp: `2017-05-17T17:00:08.684Z` (string, required) - creation timestamp
+ updatedAt: `2018-01-13T09:57:50.827Z` (string, required) - version timestamp
+ __v: 2 (number, required) - version number
# Log (object)
## Properties
+ _id: `` (string, required) - log entry id
+ war: `` (string, required) - warId
+ time: `` (string, required) - logging timestamp
+ __v: 0 (number, required) - object version number
# LogPoints (Log)
## Properties
+ ptBlufor: 2 (number, required) - standings for BLUFOR
+ ptOpfor: 4 (number, required) - standings for OPFOR
+ fraction: `OPFOR` (enum, required) - dominating fraction
+ Members
+ `NONE`
#LogBudget (Log)
## Properties
+ oldBudget: 400000 (number, required) - budget before buy action
+ newBudget: 380000 (number, required) - budget after buy action
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - buying fraction
+ Members
#LogFlag (Log)
## Properties
+ player: `HardiReady` (string, required) - name of player who captured/secured flag
+ capture: true (boolean, required) - true if flag was captured, false if it was secured
+ flagFraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - fraction who owns the flag
+ Members
#LogKill (Log)
## Properties
+ shooter: `HardiReady` (string, required) - name of player who made the kill
+ target: `KalleK` (string, required) - name of player which got killed
+ friendlyFire: true (boolean, required) - true if it was a friendly fire kill, false if it was a normal kill
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - fraction of shooter
+ Members
+ `NONE`
+ shooterVehicle: `FV-720 Mora` (string, optional) - vehicle in whiock the shooting player sat
+ targetVehicle: `Ifrit-GMG` (string, optional) - vehicle in which the target player sat
+ magazine: `30 mm APFSDS` (string, optional) - magazine name used to execute the kill
#LogRespawn (Log)
## Properties
+ player: `radical1976` (string, required) - name of the player who respawns
#LogRevive (Log)
## Properties
+ medic: `radical1976` (string, required) - name of the player who revives/stabilizes
+ patient: `HardiReady` (string, required) - name of the player who is revived/stabilized
+ stabilized: false (boolean, required) - false if it is a revive, true if it is stabilizing
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - fraction of the medic
+ Members
#LogTransport (Log)
## Properties
+ driver: `radical1976` (string, required) - name of the vehicle driver/pilot
+ passenger: `radical1976` (string, required) - name of the passenger being transported
+ distance: 2435 (number, required) - distance of transport in meters
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - fraction of the driver
+ Members
#LogVehicle (Log)
## Properties
+ shooter: `HardiReady` (string, required) - name of player who shot the vehicle
+ additionalShooter: [`[GNC]Paolo`, `Dominik`] (array[string], required) - additional crew members of shooter vehicle
+ target: `T-100` (string, required) - name of the vehicle
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - fraction of the shooter
+ Members
+ `NONE`
+ vehicleClass: `LIGHT` (enum, required) - class of shot vehicle
+ Members
+ `AIR`
+ shooterVehicle: `FV-720 Mora` (string, optional) - vehicle in whiock the shooting player sat
+ magazine: `30 mm APFSDS` (string, optional) - magazine name used to execute the kill
# BasicPlayer (object)
Basic player statistic information object
+ name: `Jagernaut` (string, required) - the displayed username of the army member
+ fraction: `OPFOR` (string, required) - fraction of the player
+ kill: 5 (number, required) - sum of kills
+ friendlyFire: 0 (number, required) - sum of friendly fire kills
+ vehicleLight: 1 (number, required) - sum of light vehicle kills
+ vehicleHeavy: 1 (number, required) - sum of heavy vehicle kills
+ vehicleAir: 0 (number, required) - sum of air vehicle kills
+ death: 3 (number, required) - sum of deaths
+ respawn: 2 (number, required) - sum of respawns
+ flagTouch: 1 (number, required) - sum of flag captures
+ revive: 0 (number, required) - sum of revives
# WarPlayer (BasicPlayer)
A player campaign statistics object
## Properties
+ _id: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of the army member
+ warId: `5abf65ae3fc5fa349ffd5ca3` (string, required) - war in which this player took part
+ steamUUID: `76561192214911200` (string, required) - unique ID for STEAM platform account
+ sort: 1 (number, required) - sorting number calculated by (kill + revive + flagTouch - friendlyFire - death - respawn)
+ timestamp: `2018-02-24T01:01:25.825Z` - the entity creation timestamp
+ updatedAt: `2018-02-24T01:01:25.825Z` - the version timestamp
+ __v: 0 (number, required) - the version number of the object
# HighscorePlayer (BasicPlayer)
A player object as resturned for the highscore arrays
## Properties
+ num: 1
# Promotion (object)
Representation of a promotion request for a army member
## Properties
+ _id: `5as7d05dcb90ce4da68c4f5f` (string, required) - unique id of the promotion request
+ confirmed: 0 (number, required) - number representing status of the promotion (0 - in progress, 1 - approved, 2 - rejected)
+ newRankLvl: 14 (number, required)- new rank level that is requested in this promotion
+ oldRankLvl: 10 (number, required)- old rank level of the user
+ proposer: `5abf5064861d950f157c4a09` (string, required) - id of app user who requested the promotion
+ timestamp: `2018-03-25T18:54:21.609Z` (string, required) - creation timestamp
+ updatedAt: `2018-03-25T18:54:21.609Z` (string, required) - version timestamp
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - id of army member the promotion is requested for
+ __v: 0 (number, required) - version number of promotion instance
# PromotionPopulated (object)
Promotion with populated proposer and army member
## Properties
+ proposer (Proposer, required) - app user who requested the promotion
+ userId (User, required) - populated user instance of user the promotion is requested for
# Rank (object)
A rank that can be applied to army members by level/fraction
## Properties
+ _id: `591469c9ef4a6810623ed4ea` (string, required) - the unique id of the rank
+ name: `Gefreiter` (string, required) - display name of the rank
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (enum, required) - enum expressing the fraction in which the decoration is given
+ Members
+ level: 1 (number, required) - rank level
+ updatedAt: `2017-09-20T20:25:29.995Z` (string, required) - the version timestamp
+ timestamp: `2017-05-11T13:40:25.051Z` (string, required) - the creation timestamp
+ __v: 1 (number, required) - version number
# Squad (object)
A Squad entity
## Properties
+ _id: `591470249e9fae286e008e31` (string, required) - the unique id of the squad
+ sortingNumber: 30 (number, required) - the number for orders in lists of squads
+ updatedAt: `2017-05-31T20:43:07.165Z` (string, required) - version timestamp
+ timestamp: `2017-05-11T14:07:32.471Z` (string, required) - creation timestamp
+ name: `Alpha` (string, required) - display name of the squad
+ fraction: `BLUFOR` (string, required) - fraction the squad is part of
+ __v: 2 (number, required) - version number
# User (object)
A participant managed in the system
## Properties
+ _id: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of the army member
+ username: `Jagernaut` (string, required) - the displayed username of the army member
+ rankLvl: 22 (number, required) - rank level representing the rank
+ squadId: `591470249e9fae286e008e31` (string, required, nullable) - id of squad which the army member is part of
+ updatedAt: `2018-02-24T01:01:25.825Z` - the version timestamp
+ __v: 35 (number, required) - the version number of the object
# UserPopulated (User)
User object with populated squad
## Properties
+ squadId (Squad, required) - populated squad which the army member is part of
# UserInclTimestamp (User)
A participant managed in the system, incl. creation timestamp
## Properties
+ timestamp: 2018-01-20T12:11:23.125Z (string, required) - instance creation timestamp
# War (object)
A war as used in statistics
## Properties
+ _id: `5ab68d41f537ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of the war
+ title: `Battle No.1` (string, required) - the display neme of the war
+ date: `2018-02-24T20:01:25.825Z` (string, required) - war start timestamp
+ endDate: `2018-02-24T22:31:26.855Z` (string, required) - war end timestamp
+ ptBlufor: 11 (number, required) - final points fraction Blufor
+ ptOpfor: 12 (number, required) - final points fraction Opfor
+ playersBlufor: 36 (number, required) - player count of fraction Blufor
+ playersOpfor: 34 (number, required) - player count of fraction opfor
+ campaign: `5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, required) - uniquer id of the campaign in which the war was played
+ budgetBlufor: 3900000 (number, required) - start budget of fraction Blufor
+ budgetOpfor: 4100000 (number, required) - start budget of fraction Opfor
+ endBudgetBlufor: 924000 (number, required) - end budget of fraction Blufor
+ endBudgetOpfor: 12400 (number, required) - end budget of fraction Opfor
+ timestamp: `2018-02-24T01:01:25.825Z` (string, required) - creation date
+ updatedAt: `2018-02-24T01:01:25.825Z` (string, required) - the version timestamp
+ __v: 0 (number, required) - the version number of the object
# WarWithPlayers (War)
A war response object on creation
## Properties
+ players (array[WarPlayer], required) - collection of all participating players with their statistics
# Group General Introduction
## Location
The API can only be accessed via HTTPS in the cloud instance.
You can reach the API for the cloud instance at
Local installations can access the API using the respective domain with the path `/api/` appended.
So if your server is reachable at `https://cc.myserver.lan` the API endpoint is located at
# Note: `/api/` is appended to the locale installation server url
## Authentication
Requests to most of the API endpoints have to be authenticated using an API token which is received after successfully providing your application credentials to the API.
Once acquired the token has to be provided in the ``X-Access-Token`` header of every request that requires authentication.
The following example illustrates how to provide the token when using `curl`
# via Authorization header
## Permission Levels
The permission level is resolved by the API token you send, which resolves the specific app user information.
Endpoints that require a certain permission level to be accessed, mention the **minimum** required permission level in the description.
::: note
Permission Levels:
0 - User
1 - Squadlead
2 - High Command
3 - Maintainer
4 - Administrator
## Timezones & Date Format
**Date Format**
In general the API returns and expects dates & times in the ISO 8601 format.
For example: `2017-02-27T17:05:33.155Z` for a time or `2017-02-27` for a date.
The default timezone returned will be the UTC timezone
# Group File Resources
The running express server instance saves entity related files like squad logos and statistic logs on the file system.
In the original MEAN application they are served in the `/resource` path of the application server.
The following examples show where those files are located, to be accessed on the cloud instance.
## Images
**Decoration Image**
**Rank Image**
**Signature Image**
**Squad Logo**
## Log-Files
**Sanitized Log File**
**Original Uploaded Log File**
# Group Access
### Sign up - Create account [POST /authenticate/signup]
Create a new application user account.
+ Request Create Account (application/json)
+ Attributes (Registration)
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes
+ message: `User successfully created` (string, required)
### Login - Generate Token [POST /authenticate]
Generate a token which can be used to make API requests.
+ Request Generate Token (application/json)
+ Attributes (Login)
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (LoginResponse)
# Group Admin
### List App Users [GET /account]
List all app users, ordered by username
**Permission: 4**
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[AppUser], fixed-type)
### Update App User [PATCH /account/{id}]
Update an app user, identified by its id
**Permission: 4**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abf5064861d950f157c4a09` (string, required) - unique id of app user
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes (UpdateAppUser)
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (AppUser, fixed-type)
### Delete App User [DELETE /account/{id}]
**Permission: 4**
Delete an app user
+ Parameters
+ id: `5ac0de67b5edc7771c027b94` (string, required) - unique id of app user
+ Response 204
### Update signature image [POST /cmd/createSignature/{userId}]
Update an army members signature image
**Permission: 4**
+ Parameters
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - army members unique user id
+ Request (application/json)
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes
+ status: `success` (string, required) - action result message
# Group Army Overview
### Get Army Overview [GET /overview]
Get bundled army, squad and member data for the participating fractions
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Fraction])
# Group Awardings
### Get Awardings [GET /awardings{?userId,inProgress,fractFilter,squadId}]
List all awardings
+ Parameters
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, optional)
specific army member Id to show the awardings for
+ inProgress: false (boolean, optional)
true to filter by awarding state 'in progress'
+ Default: false
+ fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional)
Field to filter by fraction
+ Members
+ squadId: `5aba54eaeadcce6332c6a774` (string, optional)
unique id of the squad
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[AwardingPopulated], fixed-type)
### Create Awarding [POST /awardings]
Create a new awarding which is immediatly assigned to the user
**Permission: 2**
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of the army member to give award
+ decorationId: `5abd3dff6e6a0334d95b8ba0` (string, required) - unique id of the decoration
+ reason: `Good boy` (string, required) - reason for giving the awarding
+ proposer: `5ab68ceef547ed304064e5f6` (string, required) - app user id, who requested this awarding
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Awarding, fixed-type)
### Create Awarding Proposal [POST /request/award]
Create a new awarding proposal, that needs to be approved by higher permission level user to take effect
**Permission: 1**
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of the army member to give award
+ decorationId: `5abd3dff6e6a0334d95b8ba0` (string, required) - unique id of the decoration
+ reason: `Good boy` (string, required) - reason for giving the awarding
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Awarding, fixed-type)
# Group Campaigns
### Get Campaigns [GET /campaigns]
Get all campaigns information
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Campaign], fixed-type)
### Get Campaign [GET /campaigns/{id}]
Get single campaign information
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, required) - unique id of campaign
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Campaign, fixed-type)
### Get Campaign Containing Specific War [GET /campaigns/with/war/{warId}]
Get a single campaign, containing a specific war
+ Parameters
+ warId: `5abf65ae3fc5fa349ffd5ca3` (string, required) - unique id of war that has to be part of campaign
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Campaign, fixed-type)
### Create Campaign [POST /campaigns]
Create a new campaign
**Permission: 3**
+ Request Create new army member (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ title: `Return To Kessel In A Schmelz` (string, required) - display name of the campaign
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Campaign, fixed-type)
### Update Campaign [PATCH /campaigns/{id}]
Update a campaign, identified by its id
**Permission: 3**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abd55ea9e32a76afef777d6` (string, required) - unique id of campaign
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ _id: `5abd55ea9e32a76afef777d6` (string, required) - unique id of campaign
+ title: `Operation Pandora` (string, optional) - display name of the campaign
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Campaign, fixed-type)
### Delete Campaign [DELETE /campaigns/{id}]
Delete a campaign
**Permission: 3**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abd58989e30a76bfef747e6` (string, required) - unique id of campaign
+ Response 204
# Group Decorations
### List Decorations [GET /decorations{?q,fractFilter}]
List all decorations
+ Parameters
+ q: `tapferkeit` (string, optional)
Filter string for the partial decoration name
+ fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional)
Field to filter by fraction
+ Members
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Decoration], fixed-type)
### Get Decoration [GET /decorations/{id}]
Retrieve single decoration data
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abd3dff6e6a0334d95b8ba0` (string, required) - unique id of the decoration to fetch
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Decoration, fixed-type)
### Create Decoration [POST /decorations]
Create a new decoration
**Permission: 2**
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Type: text/plain
Super medal 2000
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fraction"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="description"
Content-Type: text/plain
For good performance in a battle
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="isMedal"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Decoration, fixed-type)
### Update Decoration [PATCH /decorations/{id}]
Update decoration, identified by its id
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abeb420b987672bb1ede643` (string, required) - unique id of the decoration
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Type: text/plain
Super medal 2000
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fraction"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="description"
Content-Type: text/plain
For good performance in a battle
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sortingNumber"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Decoration, fixed-type)
### Delete Decoration [DELETE /decorations/{id}]
Delete a decoration
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abeb43cb987672bb1ede644` (string, required) - unique id of the decoration
+ Response 204
# Group Logs
### Get War Logs [GET /logs/{warId}]
Ge the combined log object, containing all events in collections, for a single war
+ Parameters
+ warId: `5abf65ae3fc5fa349ffd5ca3` (string, required) - unique id of the war
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes
+ points (array[LogPoints], required)
+ budget (array[LogBudget], required)
+ respawn (array[LogRespawn], required)
+ revive (array[LogRevive], required)
+ kill (array[LogKill], required)
+ vehicle (array[LogVehicle], required)
+ transport (array[LogTransport], required)
+ flag (array[LogFlag], required)
# Group Players
### Get Player Highscore [GET /players/ranking/{campaignId}]
List highscores for player statistics over all wars of a certain campaign.
Every highscore player object contains a field *sum*, representing its order number in the collection
+ Parameters
+ campaignId: `5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, required) - unique id of the campaign
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes
+ kill (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for kill
+ death (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for death
+ friendlyFire (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for friendly fire
+ vehicleLight (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for light vehicle
+ vehicleHeavy (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for heavy vehicle
+ vehicleAir (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for air vehicle
+ revive (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for revive
+ respawn (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for respawn
+ flagTouch (array[HighscorePlayer],required) - player highscore for flag captures
### Get Player Campaign Statistics [GET /players/single/{campaignId}/{playerSteamId}]
Get statistics for a single player for all wars of a campaign he took part at
+ Parameters
+ campaignId: `5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, required) - unique id of the campaign
+ playerSteamId: `76561198050321490` (string, required) - STEAM application unique user id of player
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes
+ name: `Pumarang` (string, required) - latest used playername
+ campaign (Campaign,required) - campaign reflected from request is
+ players (array[WarPlayer],required) - collection of player instances in the campaign
# Group Promotion
### List Promotions [GET /request/promotion{?squadId,inProgress,fractFilter}]
List all promotion requests
+ Parameters
+ squadId: `591470249e9fae286e008e31` (string, optional)
specific squad Id to show the promotion requests for
+ inProgress: false (boolean, optional)
true to filter by promotion state 'in progress'
+ Default: false
+ fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional)
Field to filter by fraction
+ Members
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[PromotionPopulated])
### Create Promotion Proposal [POST /request/promotion]
Create a new proposal for a promotion, that needs to be approved by higher permission level user to take effect
**Permission: 1**
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - id of the army member to promote
+ oldRankLvl: 0 (number, required) - previous rank level
+ newRankLvl: 5 (number, required) - new rank level to apply
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Promotion, fixed-type)
### Update Promotion Proposal [PATCH /request/promotion/{id}]
Update the promotion proposal
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abf50d9861d950f157c4a0a` (string, required) - unique id of the promotion
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ _id: `5abf50d9861d950f157c4a0a` (string, optional) - id of the promotion proposal
+ userId: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, optional) - id of the army member to promote
+ proposer: `5abf5064861d950f157c4a09` (string, optional) - id of the proposing app user
+ oldRankLvl: 0 (number, optional) - previous rank level
+ newRankLvl: 5 (number, optional) - new rank level to apply
+ confirmed: 1 (number, optional) confirmation status of the promotion (0 - in progress, 1 - approved & applied, 2 - rejected) \nThis automatically applies the *newRankLvl*value as new rank level to the target user when confirmed = 1
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Promotion, fixed-type)
# Group Ranks
### List Ranks [GET /ranks{?q,fractFilter}]
List all ranks
+ Parameters
+ q: `Gefr` (string, optional) - filter string which filters for partial rank name
+ fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional)
Field to filter by fraction
+ Members
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Rank], fixed-type)
### Get Rank [GET /ranks/{id}]
Retrieve single rank data
+ Parameters
+ id: `5aba5504eadcce6332c6a775` (string, required) - unique id of the rank to fetch
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Rank, fixed-type)
### Create Rank [POST /ranks]
Create a new rank
**Permission: 2**
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fraction"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="level"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Rank, fixed-type)
### Update Rank [PATCH /ranks/{id}]
Update rank, identified by its id
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abeb23995cf43205225710b` (string, required) - unique id of the rank
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fraction"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="level"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Rank, fixed-type)
### Delete Rank [DELETE /ranks/{id}]
Delete a rank
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abeb1b995cf43205225710a` (string, required) - unique id of the rank
+ Response 204
# Group Squads
### List Squads [GET /squads{?q,fractFilter}]
Get single army member information
+ Parameters
+ q: `alpha` (string, optional) - filter string which filters for partial squadname
+ fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional)
Field to filter by fraction
+ Members
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Squad], fixed-type)
### Get Squad [GET /squads/{id}]
Get single squad information
+ Parameters
+ id: `5aba54eaeadcce6332c6a774` (string, required) - unique id of the squad
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Squad, fixed-type)
### Create Squad [POST /squads]
Create a new squad
**Permission: 2**
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fraction"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Squad, fixed-type)
### Update Squad [PATCH /squads/{id}]
Update squad, identified by its id
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abe166f8b7488392a623f12` (string, required) - unique id of the squad
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fraction"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sortingNumber"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (Squad, fixed-type)
### Delete Squad [DELETE /squads/{id}]
Delete a squad
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abe16f98b7488392a623f17` (string, required) - unique id of the squad
+ Response 204
# Group Users
### List Users [GET /users{?q,fractFilter,limit,offset}]
Get single army member information
+ Parameters
+ q: `hardi` (string, optional) - filter string which filters for partial username
+ fractFilter: `BLUFOR` (enum[string], optional) - Field to filter by fraction
+ Members
+ squadId: `591470249e9fae286e008e31` (string, optional) - Field to filter by membership of certain squad
+ decorationId: `5abd3dff6e6a0334d95b8ba0` (string, optional) - Field to filter by ownership of certain decoration
+ limit: 20 (number, optional)
Maximum number of users to return
+ Default: Infinity
+ offset: 0 (number, optional)
Offset into result-set (useful for pagination)
+ Default: 0
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Headers
X-Total-Count: 1
+ Attributes (array[UserPopulated], fixed-type)
### Get User [GET /users/{id}]
Get single army member information
+ Parameters
+ id: `5ab68d42f547ed304064e5f7` (string, required) - unique id of army-member
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (UserPopulated, fixed-type)
### Create User [POST /users]
Create a new army member
**Permission: 2**
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ username: `[GNC]Paolo` (string, required) - display name of the user
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (UserInclTimestamp, fixed-type)
### Update User [PUT /users/{id}]
Update an army member, identified by its id
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abd4780396bc0487068be0e` (string, required) - unique id of army-member
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ _id: `5abd4780396bc0487068be0e` (string, required) - unique id of army-member
+ username: `Paolo` (string, optional) - display name of the user
+ rankLvl: 22 (number, optional) - rank level representing the rank
+ squadId: `591470249e9fae286e008e31` (string, optional) - squadId of squad which army member is part of
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (User, fixed-type)
### Delete User [DELETE /users/{id}]
Delete an army member
**Permission: 2**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abd4780396bc0487068be0e` (string, required) - unique id of army-member
+ Response 204
# Group Wars
### List Wars [GET /wars{?campaignId}]
List all wars
+ Parameters
+ campaignId: `5abd55ea9e30a76bfef747d6` (string, optional) - show only wars from campaign with this id
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[War], fixed-type)
### Get War [GET /wars/{id}]
Retrieve single war data
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abf65ae3fc5fa349ffd5ca3` (string, required) - unique id of the war to fetch
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (WarWithPlayers, fixed-type)
### Create War [POST /wars]
Create a new war
**Permission: 3**
*NOTE: First line of the log file sent should be NOT beginning of actual game logs! This might result in unparsable line.*
+ Request (multipart/form-data; boundary=---BOUNDARY)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="title"
Content-Type: text/plain
Battle XY
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="campaign"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="log"; filename="war_2018_log.rpt"
Content-Type: text/plain
2018/03/20, 20:05:43 "[OPT] (Budget) LOG: 0:00:00 --- Startbudget: NATO 4.5355e+006 - CSAT 4.22125e+006"
2018/03/20, 20:06:45 "[OPT] (Budget) LOG: 0:01:02 --- NATO alt: 4.5355e+006 - neu: 4.1955e+006 - Differenz: -340000"
2018/03/20, 20:10:11 "[OPT] (Abschuss) LOG: 0:04:28 --- Saxe (WEST) von: Selbstverschulden."
2018/03/20, 20:10:11 "[OPT] (Abschuss) LOG: 0:04:28 --- Pumarang (WEST) von: Saxe (WEST)."
2018/03/20, 20:10:13 "[OPT] (Budget) LOG: 0:04:30 --- CSAT alt: 2.38425e+006 - neu: 2.32425e+006 - Differenz: -60000"
2018/03/20, 20:10:38 "[OPT] (Respawn) LOG: 0:04:55 --- Spieler: Pumarang - Kosten: 3000"
2018/03/20, 20:15:54 "[OPT] (Punkte) LOG: 0:10:11 --- Kein Dominator (NATO 0 | CSAT 0)"
2018/03/20, 20:17:51 "[OPT] (Abschuss) LOG: 0:12:08 --- patze (EAST) von: Wiesl (WEST)."
2018/03/20, 20:18:20 "[OPT] (Fahne) LOG: 0:12:37 --- CSAT Flagge erobert von Wiesl"
2018/03/20, 20:18:38 "[OPT] (Abschuss) LOG: 0:12:55 --- Nicolas (WEST) von: Wiesl (WEST)."
2018/03/20, 20:18:59 "[OPT] (Punkte) LOG: 0:13:16 --- NATO +1 (NATO 1 | CSAT 0)"
2018/03/20, 20:19:38 "[OPT] (Fahne) LOG: 0:13:56 --- CSAT Flagge gesichert von ALASTOR"
2018/03/20, 20:22:18 "[OPT] (Abschuss) LOG: 0:16:35 --- Fahrzeug: Hunter-HMG (OPT_NATO) von: Murda]X[ (EAST)."
2018/03/20, 20:37:19 "[OPT] (Transport) LOG: 0:31:36 --- Dominik (WEST) wurde von Ponykloete (WEST) eingeflogen (8666.94 m)"
2018/03/20, 20:41:27 "[OPT] (Revive) LOG: 0:35:44 --- Bodochecker (EAST) wurde von ALASTOR (EAST) stabilisiert."
2018/03/20, 20:41:35 "[OPT] (Revive) LOG: 0:35:52 --- Andi-de (WEST) wurde von Wiesl (WEST) wiederbelebt."
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Mission) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Missionzeit abgelaufen"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Pumarang (WEST), PUID 76561198050321485"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Mercurat (WEST), PUID 76561198278842491"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- KalleK (EAST), PUID 76561197977676036"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- MAPster (EAST), PUID 76561198009882133"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- LyrikEmu (WEST), PUID 76561198218910400"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Philipp (EAST), PUID 76561198041792069"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Wiesl (WEST), PUID 76561198059648090"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Fraktionsuebersicht) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Murda]X[ (EAST), PUID 76561197971121630"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Budget) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Endbudget: (NATO 1997000 | CSAT 512000)"
2018/03/20, 22:35:43 "[OPT] (Punkte) LOG: 2:30:00 --- Endpunktestand: (NATO 34 | CSAT 25)"
+ Response 201 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (War, fixed-type)
### Update War [PATCH /wars/{id}]
Update a war, identified by its id
**Permission: 3**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abf65ae2df5fa349ffd5ca3` (string, required) - unique id of campaign
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ _id: `5abf65ae2df5fa349ffd5ca3` (string, required) - unique id of war
+ title: `Final Touchdown` (string, optional) - display name of the war
+ date: `2017-05-11T20:00:00.471Z` (string, optional) - starting date
+ endDate: `2017-05-12T00:30:32.471Z` (string, optional) - end date
+ ptBlufor: 5 (number, optional) - points Blufor
+ ptOpfor: 5 (number, optional) - points Opfor
+ playersBlufor: 20 (number, optional) - number of players Blufor
+ playersOpfor: 20 (number, optional) - number of players Opfor
+ budgetBlufor: 3000000 (number, optional) - start budget Blufor
+ budgetOpfor: 3000000 (number, optional) - start budget Opfor
+ endBudgetBlufor: 10000 (number, optional) - end budget Blufor
+ endBudgetOpfor: 12000 (number, optional) - end budget Opfor
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (War, fixed-type)
### Delete War [DELETE /wars/{id}]
Delete a war
**Permission: 3**
+ Parameters
+ id: `5abf65d83fc5fa349ffd5cbb` (string, required) - unique id of the war
+ Response 204